Friday, August 31, 2012

Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan, Malaysia!

Though going home is definitely a time when everyone always feel exited [ read : will be leaving this country SOON :( ]. But this is not what I feel right now. I kinda feel sad.

My first few semesters in Uniten, I did compare every single thing in Malaysia to Indonesia. The foods, the clothes, the people, the cultures and etc. And I made my own conclusion if my country is better in certain things. But there are certain aspects that Malaysia is way much better than Indonesia. Hmm...

4 years in Malaysia is not just a numbers. I feel comfort to stay here regardless the facilities that Uniten has. ;p

Today is the independence day of my second home. 

Well, I just wanna say, 'Selamat hari kemerdekaan my second home, Malaysia. You are a good country indeed, and you will always be insya Allah.' 

Please teach your neighbor country-Indonesia to be as good as you in developing the country. Guide him. I feel appreciate if you do. :)

Friday, August 24, 2012


Hidup itu fleksibel. Mau dibuat mudah, bisa. Dibuat susah, juga bisa.

Tujuan hidup itu jelas. Aturan hidup pun juga jelas. Aku tidak bisa bayangkan, seandainya aturan Allah  dan tuntunan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W itu tidak eksis. Mau jadi apa kita? Berantakan, hancur, compang-camping. 

Saat ini aku berada dalam keadaan yang susah dalam hidup, itu bukan yang dijanjikan Allah. Tapi aku sendiri yang mem-begitu-kan keadaan. Thesisku hancur, revisi pun sangat lambat. Satu minggu libur seharusnya bisa aku manfaatkan untuk membetulkan semuanya. Bahkan menyiapkan slide untuk presentasi minggu depan. Tapi sekarang? Berantakan. Aku tau kenapa hidup susah, karena aku yang membuatny susah.

Entah apa yang aku pikirkan belakangan. Ini bukan keadaan seorang Nabila yang biasanya. Nabila yang kuat. Nabila yang selalu menjadikan sabar sebagai sahabat terbaiknya. Sabar sudah pergi, tapi aku rindu. Sangat rindu. 

Apalagi jika mengingat bulan Ramadhan, pilu rasanya hati ini. Ramadhan lepas begitu saja. 

Aku ingin bertemu sabar dan syukur. Dalam kadar waktu segera. Aku mohon.

Akhir-akhir ini pun, begitu mendapat masalah sedikit saja. Wuih, hati ini rasanya langsung panas hingga ke ubun-ubun. AHH. Kumohon kembalikan pribadiku yg dulu, walaupun tidak bagus tapi setidaknya tak seburuk keadaanku sekarang. T_T 

Innallaha ma'ana..

Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Ramadhan

Blame on FYP. I can't really take care of myself. I'm getting thinner. I don't even want to know my parents' reaction (especially my mom if she knows me now). Plus, yesterday I had breaking fast together with my Indonesian senior, she is married. The first comment when her husband saw me, "Bil, kurus banget.. Kenapa bil?" - And I simply answered, "Skripsi, mas".

I'm wondering if FYP is the only reason of my condition right now. 

Talk about ramadhan, its like ferrari. AHH! Can I blame on FYP,  or other people feels the same too? Anyway, today's moon was simply subhanallah! Its awesomely awesome...

Credit to friend on facebook

Ya Allah, please accept our fasting, our qiyamul lail. We do for the seek of You, we ask your forgiveness. Please accept. We will not miss your blessing in the last 10 days of Ramadhan, insya Allah. Allah, We need You.

Allahuma innaka affuwun tuhibul afwa fa'fu annee (oh Allah you are forgiving, and you love to forgive so forgive me). It is nice dua to read!

Allahu musta'an. La haula wala quwwata ila billah. Allah, please save our brothers and sister in Syria, Rohingya, and all over the world...Aaminnn!