Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nice Quote

Jadilah wanita yang selalu bersyukur ketika senang dan bersabar ketika ditimpa musibah. Jangan bermimpi hidup di alam ideal, yang tidak ada sakit, tidak ada kemiskinan, tidak ada kesedihan, suami tanpa cela dan teman tanpa aib. Lihatlah hal-hal positif dan tutup matamu dari hal-hal negatif. Hendaklah engkau selalu berfikir positif, pemaaf dan berpegang teguh pada Allah. Manusia sangat tidak pantas untuk dijadikan sandaran dan menyerahkan urusan kepada mereka.
"Sesungguhnya mereka tidak akan dapat membuat kamu untuk tidak membutuhkan Allah sedikitpun".

Be a woman who always being grateful in pleased and has patience when the trouble comes. Don't dream to live in an ideal world, which is no pain, no poverty, no sadness, an impeccable husband and friend without scandal. See the positive things and close your eyes from negative things. You should always think positive, forgiving and strongly hold on Allah. Human beings don't deserve to be placed to rely on and to hand over the problems to them.
"Verily they could not make you for not needing Allah even in the slightest amount".

For those who make Allah their primary concern, there is only peace, because whatever happens to them in this life it is good and accepted as the will of Allah. Imagine having only good in your life. That is the state of this type of believer, as the Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wassalam) says: “Wondrous are the believer’s affairs. For him there is good in all his affairs, and this is so only for the believer. When something pleasing happens to him, he is grateful, and that is good for him; and when something displeasing happens to him, he is enduring (has sabr), and that is good for him.” [Muslim]

p/s: sorry for the horrible translation ^^

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I always love to read or listen the Muallaf's stories. Muallaf is a religion converter (other religion to Islam). Today, as usual I drove all the way from office, but of course with the driver beside me, my mom still hasnt given her permission yet for me to drive alone. It was jam.We talk all the way to home, my driver is a muallaf, he converted from Hindu into Islam, when he was 12 years old! Even that time, his parents were Hindus, so he was the first member of his family who was being a muallaf.  His name is Karim (the name after convert).

How was the way he found this amazing religion? The way His blessing came to him. He was riding bicycle around his house, somewhere in Negara (Negara is one of the region name in Bali), then after a while he heard adzaan. 'Allahuu Akbar, Allahuu Akbar..." The way he told was amazing! Then he tried to find the source of the adzaan by riding the bycycle. Where this sound comes from? From which house?I never heard this kind of sound. What is it for? Finally he reached the 'house', the place where he wanted to know. 

He asked one of the guy at that 'house', "Ini suara apa, Pak? Ada apa di rumah ini? Kenapa ada suara seperti ini? untuk apa?" (What sound is this, Sir? What happen in this house? Why this sound happen? What for?)

The guy laughed, "Dek, ini bukan rumah, ini masjid. Suara yang dimaksud itu adzan, itu panggilan untuk sholat untuk muslim". (Boy, this is not house, this is masjid. The sound that you mean is adzan, islamic call for prayer)

Well, at the other day, he heard the same sound everyday, he was extremely curious, and come to the same 'house', well ya house of Allah. And at the certain moment, he asked so many basic things about islam, and then guy recite the Surat Al-Ikhlas with the translation, the message of that Surat brought him to Islam, then he said Could I convert my religion to Islam? How? That time, he directly convert his religion at the age of 12. With his own curiousity he found the blessing of Allah. Allahu Akbar!

3 years later, his parents got hidayah from Allah. Then follow by other family members, moment by moment. He told me one interesting story about his brother, how he found islam, his brother just converted a month ago, now his family is officially muslim family. For the whole family. He give his brother a challenge, slaughtered a chicken. At that time, his brother is hindus, so when the challenge starts, he slaughtered the chicken just as easy as that, without any recite anything, ya iyalah. And Pak Karim slaughtered the chicken with islamic way, one of it by saying bismillah. Pak Karim told his brother, this chicken is owned by my God, Allah and this chicken will back to Allah. And I believe, truly believe if this chicken is halal to consume and healthy. By Allah's will, his brother's chicken has bad smell and so many insects around it. On the contrary, Pak Karim's one is fresh no insects around it. Days after that, his brother recite syahadah. Subhanallah. And so many other stories, of how others family member of him convert to Islam. Subhanallah!! And his village now, become 'Kampung Islam'!

Say Alhamdulillah, now! Alhamdulillah Ya Rabb. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Current Life

Hi Readers (Emang ada yang baca tho, bil? :p)

I come back to write after 2 weeks off. I am currently doing my industrial training, well all I can say is, working life is tiring. I am in charge in all division at indosatM2, I help out the marketing, technical and sales. I went for 3G testing in Legian, somewhere near Kuta. Was fun. I ask so many things about the fiber optic installations, radio freuency (wireless) and so on. There are lots that I did in that company, the staffs are crazy, they talk and laugh a lot in the office. I am a typical of having a big difficulties to adapt in a new environment, but as times goes I start to get into it, alhamdulillah. I ask everyday, I dont care if they think that I am annoying, so what? -- Studying is wayy much better than working. Really. Before, I had a dream of working in office, being a career woman. But now, suddenlyy what I have been dreaming of my future is gone, working life is really not me I guess, sit in cubicle. Oh that's not me. :) Now, I change a bit of my plan, instead of working in a office, I want be lecturer while taking my master insyaAllah. But again, we never know His plans, His great plans.

Next wednesday, I am going to Jekardaahh (read : Jakarta) for family gathering thingy, I dont wanna join at first I was thinking of my internship right now, I just working for 2 weeks and suddenly ask about to leave office for 3 days. My mom kept asking me, because no one can accompany her, my sister and my dad can't accompany. She hasnt any brave to travel alone to other city. How come I can say 'no' to my beloved mom? I just simply couldn't.

I am now having 2 books to read and have to finish them by 2 months, because it belongs to my friend. The books are 'Think Dinar' and '2'. 2 is a continuation novel from 5cm, another motivating one. Will post here after I read them.

Keep semangats! :)
Fi Amanillah. Allah is always with you. Always one.
See ya, bloggers!

p/s: Just came back after having dinner at Genteng Biru. I had mie ayam for my dinner. I went there with my sis and samy, I rode motorcycle, after months never ride it, got 'shake' 2 times when I turn left/right. Haha, scary right? my sis and samy were scared. :p