Though going home is definitely a time when everyone always feel exited [ read : will be leaving this country SOON :( ]. But this is not what I feel right now. I kinda feel sad.
My first few semesters in Uniten, I did compare every single thing in Malaysia to Indonesia. The foods, the clothes, the people, the cultures and etc. And I made my own conclusion if my country is better in certain things. But there are certain aspects that Malaysia is way much better than Indonesia. Hmm...
4 years in Malaysia is not just a numbers. I feel comfort to stay here regardless the facilities that Uniten has. ;p
Today is the independence day of my second home.
Well, I just wanna say, 'Selamat hari kemerdekaan my second home, Malaysia. You are a good country indeed, and you will always be insya Allah.'
Please teach your neighbor country-Indonesia to be as good as you in developing the country. Guide him. I feel appreciate if you do. :)