Monday, June 11, 2012

Thesis Fever

Assalamualaikum Readers!

These last 3 months I don't really have time and mood to write. Don't ask me why. Well, alhamdulillah this is the third week of my LAST semester in my bachelor life. I breath and feel the atmosphere of being REAL SENIOR, since then I whispering to myself, "Bil, your journey doesn't stop with B.Eng". Until now, that unknown voice keep entering my mind. Did I tell you before if I want to be lecturer? Please, don't laugh. The ambition of being lecturer is there, it is really there. But, this is just really rough plan, a very rough plan of mine, if there will be modification in my future plan later on, that will be from Allah, and of course it will be great, because His plans are always great, Allahu Akbar.

FYP, he drives me crazy. Actually, my FYP project is purely case study, it is research based project. So, I have to come to the lab, doing some experiments, get the desired data, and analyze it. I want to start the experiment since last week, in my second week of this semester. But, I couldn't start, since there is one called fiber clever is not working. Supposedly, there are 3 clevers, one of it is being used by PhD student, the other two are not working. So I have to wait until next week. But, my lovely supervisor, he doesn't want us to wait without 'doing nothing' so here we goo, he gave us early submission of draft thesis (chapter 1, 2 and 3) by next week. I was like ^%&^*!! In the mean time, I have to study to write the draft thesis using LaTex, he wanted me to start using it in my draft thesis. In this time as well, I am not really good to take care of my health, I got fever since last two days. So, all in all. The pressure of being last semester student comes, but yes it is too early.

Well, I advice myself to see it positively, maybe later on, during the time of official submission, there won't be many revisions that I have to make. Aaamin, insya Allah.......

Fa inna ma'al usri yusro - So verily, with the hardship, there is relief.


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