Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I am Happy academically, mentally and physically. Even though, the conditions are the other way around but be the person who always think positive! let's!!!

Allah, I need You.

“Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear..." (Quran, 2:286)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Single Life vs Married Life (A story)

One dark night in the streets of Istanbul, Turkey walked two strangers and clashed into one another.

It was no other than Single Life and Married life. They both come across one another. Married life falls on the ground and single life yells at him. "Hey! Can't you see where you are going?"

Married Life remains silent and starts walking towards his destination. Single life stands right there looking at Married Life walk in pain. He realizes his mistake and how rude he was to him in anger. While moving forward he steps on to something. He looks at the road and finds a cellphone. He calls out to Married life and goes after him.

He apologizes to Married Life and gives him his cellphone. Married life says, "It's alright. I have learned to be patient especially when someone is angry. Don't worry about it. I forgave you already".

Single life looks at him in amazement. "How come? I have never seen any of my friends forgiving me like this. I am no one but a stranger to you. Besides, I was so rude to you. You fell on the road! Aren't you angry with me? You are so patient! May Allah bless you!"

Married life smiles and thanks him for returning his cell phone. He looks at single life and asks him what's wrong. Single life looked upset and frustrated.

Single life: Let's go sit down at the bench. I will tell you.

[Married and single life both sit down together.]

Single life: I don't know. It's just life is getting nowhere for me. I go to the university in the morning and work in the evening. I always feel something is missing in me. Something is quite not right about the way my life is going. I feel lonely all the time although I have so many friends. I could go to a party with so many people around but I don't feel happy. I feel alone. That's all. Nothing much really.

Married life: You should get married.

Single Life (falls off the chair): "Aaaah what?" What did you say?

Married Life: Yeah! You should get married. Marriage is half your deen. It looks like you are missing your other half.

Single life: Oh! I don't know. Are you married?

Married life: Yes.

Single life: MashaAllah it must be nice! You have a companion for a life. You are so lucky!! Life must be so good for you?

Married life: No! It's not the way you think it is. Before when I was single, I used to look up to the married couples. When it was my turn, I was so excited. After marriage, I hated my decision. When I was single, I had so much fun. I had time for my friends. I could play video games all day, come home at night. I had so much freedom. After marriage, my whole life changed. I had to become so patient and it's nothing about me. I fell in love and all I can think of is how to give happiness to my other half. There is no "me" anymore. I can't even go out wherever I want. I have to tell my wife everything. It's such a drag. Single life was so much better.

Single life: You mean after I get married, I would prefer my single life over married life? I think you are wrong!!

[Single life and Married life get into an argument]

Married life: Okay, you want to get married then?

Single life: Yes!! Absolutely!! I want to get married inshaAllah. Life would be so easy.

Married life: It takes more than that. Life is never easy. The day I got married, my wife always woke me up for Tahajjud prayer even though I as so tired from work!!

Single life: How did you feel after praying Tahajjud?

Married life: I actually felt good and more closer to Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala.

Single life: Okay.

Married Life: I don't like my wife's cooking? She doesn't know how to cook. She makes me go on a diet and gives me all healthy food!!

Single life: How were you when you were single?

Married life: I was fat but now I am in good shape Alhamdulillah.

Single life: Hmm…How does your wife treat you?

Married life: She takes good care of me. I have no complains. She tells me everything and I admire her honesty.

Single life: Then? What is wrong with your life?

Married life: Yeah…I never thought of it that way. My life is better than yours.

Single life: Do you know how miserable I feel?

Married life: No I don't. Listen, today I learned something from you and you learned something from me. We both have Alhamdulillah. Make lots of Dua's. InshaAllah get married soon. Marriage teaches you things that you never would have learned by yourself. It completes you. At times when I don't wake up for Fajr prayer, my wife would wake me up and I do the same for her. We both help each other with our mistakes and try to get better. If I do wrong, she tells me. When she does wrong, I tell her. I do not like to hurt her feelings so I say it in a kind way. The best part is we understand each other. My wife takes good care of me. At times we do fight, but at the end of the day we are together. I cannot imagine myself without her.

[Tears come out of Single life's eyes.]

Single Life: I am so getting married soon in sha Allah and I will invite you. Jazak Allahu Khayran.

Married Life: May Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala grant you a pious spouse Ameen


"God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches you by means of opposites, so that you will have two wings to fly - not one."- Rumi

The Story of A Married Couple

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem

Once in a beautiful land lived a girl named Summaiyya who was married to a man called Khalil. They were both very pious and strived to make Islam a central aspect of their lives. Soon after their marriage, Summaiyya felt bored staying at home; she wanted to do something for the Ummah. She loved to read and write, and would read a Hadith each day to her husband. Summaiya loved her husband deeply and treated him with kindness. She obeyed him, and, in return, her husband loved her very much.

One night after dinner, she asked Khalil if it would be possible for her to work. Khalil did not say anything. The next day however, after Fajr, she noted that he did not go into work. He had locked himself in a room without telling Summaiyya what he was doing and was making a lot of noise.

After Maghrib prayer, her husband asked her to get ready. While driving he asked her what kind of books she liked to read. She told him she liked to read Islamic books relating to literature, arts, and history. Soon after, Khalil stopped his car at an Islamic bookstore and asked her to pick out some books for him. She asked him what was going on but he would not tell her anything. Next, they went to Barnes and Nobles bookstore and got many different kinds of books. Sumaiyya also picked out some Middle Eastern, Indian, and Chinese cookbooks.

That evening they had dinner together at their favorite Afghan Restaurant, Zaynab’s, and afterwards went to the masjid to pray Isha Salat. When they returned home Khalil carried all the books they had bought earlier on in the day to his room. He asked her to go to sleep but Summaiya could hardly sleep! She was wondering what was going on and was tempted to go to the room and see but had eventually fallen asleep. At around 4am Khalil woke her up for Tahajjud prayer. Afterwards, he asked her to close her eyes and took her to the room he had been in all day, and asked her to open them. She opened her eyes and was surprised to see a beautiful small library. Her husband had made her an office at home! He had even bought her a laptop and set everything up, ready to use!

Khalil turned to her and said, "O my dear wife, I love you for the sake of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala. I am responsible for you and I want to protect you always. You have asked me for permission to work and I respect you for that, however, I want you relax at home while I go out to work. I want to give you happiness and everything you could ask for. I hope you like my gift to you. I do not want you to work for any other man but me. Still, if you feel that you want to work outside the home, then I will not stop you. It would however make me upset."

"Men are the protectors and maintainers [qawwaamoon] of women, because Allah has given the one more [strength] than the other, and because they support them from their means..." (Qur'an 4:34)

Sumaiyya smiled and jokingly said that he can work for her. She thanked him for the office and agreed to stay at home. Every day when Khalil came home, he would find his wife engrossed in books taking in the knowledge and wisdom that they gave her. As the months went by, she started to give him advice from what she had learned and which was to prove beneficial for his company. Khalil also taught her about his business, and even allowed her some responsibility with some of the projects at work. He in turn paid her generously for the little work he gave her everyday and spent lots of time with her so that she would not feel alone.

This arrangement worked successfully for both husband and wife, and in time, they had four beautiful children.

One day, Khalil had a car accident. He was rushed to the hospital having suffered a knee injury. The doctors said that he would not be able to walk for at least six months or so. Sumaiyya did everything she could to take good care of her husband and the home. After a month, she felt there was a shortage of money in their bank account. She first looked for some jobs online and found a teaching position at an Islamic school. Then she wisely explained to her husband about the financial crisis they were going through and asked him if she could contribute to the household needs. After a little while, her husband agreed.

Sumaiyya would work all day at the school and would then come home to take care of her children and Khalil. She would make dua for Khalil and her children every day. Very soon, her burden eased when Khalil regained his health and was able to return to work. Now that her husband had recovered from the accident, Sumaiyya was able to leave her job and stay at home to look after the children. Khalil was grateful for what she had done and thanked her for being such a wonderful and supporting wife.

The Prophet (Sall Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) made every individual in the Islamic Society responsible for those under his or her authority in such a way that no-one, man or woman, may evade responsibility (Ideal Muslimah, 190).

He (Sall Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said:

"Each of you is a shepherd, and each is responsible for those under his care. A ruler is a shepherd; a man is the shepherd of his family; a woman is the shepherd of her husband's house and children. For each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for those under his care." (Bukhari and Muslim)

The Prophet (Sall Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) indeed spoke the truth when he said:

"This world is nothing but temporary conveniences, and the greatest joy in this world is a righteous woman." (Muslim 10/56)

Allah's Messenger (Sall Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said:

"O people! Fear Allah concerning women, Verily, you have taken them on the security of Allah and have made their persons lawful unto you by Words of Allah! It is incumbent upon them to honor their conjugal rights and, not to commit acts of impropriety which, if they do, you have authority to chastise them, yet not severely. If your wives refrain from impropriety and are faithful to you, clothe and feed them suitably." (Ar Raheeq Al Makhtum Page 541)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Thesis Fever

Assalamualaikum Readers!

These last 3 months I don't really have time and mood to write. Don't ask me why. Well, alhamdulillah this is the third week of my LAST semester in my bachelor life. I breath and feel the atmosphere of being REAL SENIOR, since then I whispering to myself, "Bil, your journey doesn't stop with B.Eng". Until now, that unknown voice keep entering my mind. Did I tell you before if I want to be lecturer? Please, don't laugh. The ambition of being lecturer is there, it is really there. But, this is just really rough plan, a very rough plan of mine, if there will be modification in my future plan later on, that will be from Allah, and of course it will be great, because His plans are always great, Allahu Akbar.

FYP, he drives me crazy. Actually, my FYP project is purely case study, it is research based project. So, I have to come to the lab, doing some experiments, get the desired data, and analyze it. I want to start the experiment since last week, in my second week of this semester. But, I couldn't start, since there is one called fiber clever is not working. Supposedly, there are 3 clevers, one of it is being used by PhD student, the other two are not working. So I have to wait until next week. But, my lovely supervisor, he doesn't want us to wait without 'doing nothing' so here we goo, he gave us early submission of draft thesis (chapter 1, 2 and 3) by next week. I was like ^%&^*!! In the mean time, I have to study to write the draft thesis using LaTex, he wanted me to start using it in my draft thesis. In this time as well, I am not really good to take care of my health, I got fever since last two days. So, all in all. The pressure of being last semester student comes, but yes it is too early.

Well, I advice myself to see it positively, maybe later on, during the time of official submission, there won't be many revisions that I have to make. Aaamin, insya Allah.......

Fa inna ma'al usri yusro - So verily, with the hardship, there is relief.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Aku Ingin

Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana:
dengan kata yang tak sempat diucapkan
kayu kepada api yang menjadikannya abu

Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana:
dengan isyarat yang tak sempat disampaikan
awan kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada

[Sapardi Djoko Damono, 1989]