I never get bored to write about heart. I believe heart is the most valuable thing that you take everywhere. Yes, everywhere. Or wait, is it possible for you to take out your heart when you feel 'too much things'? Hehehe A big no, ain't it?
One action that consists two words when you are dealing with heart : TAKE CARE!
Based on my experiences, taking care of your heart is really difficult, too many obstacles. For me, you won't deal with yours alone, you deal with everyone heart, then it comes to habluminannas. It is. But, if you think the other way around, sorry to say, but yes, it is one of the characteristics of an egoist. :)
The one and only person on this earth who had clean and pure heart was our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Allah asked the angel to take out Muhammad's (pbuh) heart to purify it, and of course by His amazingness, Allahu Akbar. Well, we are trying our best to follow him. Allah, please always guide us. Heart does need to be pure and clean.
I am worried of my heart will drift further away
from Allah and feel lost without His Guidance. T_T
Imam ibn al-Jawzi (ra) was once asked:
"Is it better for me to make Tasbeeh (praise Allah) or to make Istighfar (seek forgiveness)?"
He replied:
"The dirty robe is more in need of soap than perfume"
"Is it better for me to make Tasbeeh (praise Allah) or to make Istighfar (seek forgiveness)?"
He replied:
"The dirty robe is more in need of soap than perfume"
Simple words. It does mean that, we have to prepare our heart before you fill with the love to Allah. The heart is the house of Allah and therefore before we intend to place Him within our hearts we have to ensure that it is clean and free of the sins, and this can be achieved by seeking the forgiveness of Allah from our sins. A taubah, a repentance.
Dear Seeker of Islam;Seeker of Submission;Seeker of Deeds;Seeker of Jannah,
Do stop to wait for the right time to change. There is no such a right time for it. Wake up!
Allah listed in Quran :
“The day that neither wealth nor sons will be of any benefit except for he who comes to Allah with a pure heart.”- Qur’an, 26:89
There will come a Day when NOTHING will benefit you except a pure heart.
…Is your SOUL ready to meet its Creator? T_T
Are you ready for it?
“…to clean you thereby and to remove from you the whispers of Shaytan and to strengthen your hearts, and make your feet firm thereby.”- Qur’an, 8:11
This section is designed to enable you to put the heart back in your actions. No more empty movements and mumbled words in salaah. Love your Creator! Begin the process of self-purification now!
credit to few sources with many changes.
credit to few sources with many changes.
gosh this sounds like how Christians should live. Living a life of God's love-the the greatest commandments to love God with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind and with all your strength-and to love others as you love yourself (love how God created you). And through love for God comes obedience, and a heart that yearns for purifying heart, clean hands, and to not lift our souls to another. But to be a generation that seeks Gods face and His will. A life of testimony with our hearts and actions, and a life belonging to God.