I was just reading a good article on Suhaib Webb 'A Reflection on Aging Parents', then it makes me wanna write something about it.
Parents. I still have complete parents, a mom or I called her 'Ummi' and a dad or 'Abah', Alhamdulillah. Times is running, and it does influence with the age of people. This year, Abah's age will be 62 years old and Ummi's will be 50 years. Yupp, 12 years difference between them. My mom married at the age of 19, Allah has set it. No university life for her. And my dad, he has to struggle by himself to pay his fees for university when he was studying Civil Engineering at Brawijaya University, Allah's will - he couldn't finish his study, he is way to busy for working that time, he stops in 6th semester. Abah told me, he started to work from junior high school even until now! :( My grandfather is passed away when he was 7 years old. Hmm, I guess that makes him so mature to arrange his life properly. Life right?
"Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor." - Surah Al Isra (17:23).
Ah, I am about to cry when read this ayat.. Abah and Ummi, I am your naughty daughter which still often to say 'Ah, later la..'
Abah, I am full of sins. Sometimes when you ask to repeat my words, 3 or 4 times, then suddenly the volume of my voice is increasing. Ya Allah. When you teach me to talk, how many times did you repeat the words to me? How many times you correct my spelling?
Ummi, I am full of sins. How I am going to pay you with everything you gave to me? Your struggle, your knowledge, your patience and every single thing from you. Once I listen a lecture about mother, if you are trying to hold your mother with your back then you walked around this world, it is NOT ENOUGH to pay your mother!!
Don't wait until you see your parents carried out of the masjid in a box to realize how much better they deserved from you. -Amatullah. Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah. TT_T
Don't you know those people who treat and obey their parents can assured that their children will also show kindness and compassion to them? It does continue from generation to generation. I guess, both father and mother are equal when it comes to caring for them and providing all their needs. The time that the parents need to be looked after most, is in their OLD AGE.
p/s: I am not your good daughter, but I am trying to be a good one. I do. Allah, have mercy on both of them as they cared me when I was little.