Are you in a confusion of how two choose between options or maybe among options? Is this good for me or not? Do you need Allah's help to guide for choosing the right one? How to ask Him?
The answer : perform istikhara prayer!
Wait, before come into detail do you know what istikhara means, istikhara means to seek goodness from Allah (Exalted is He), meaning when one intends to do an important task they do istikhara before the task. I tell you, islam is the best religion ever, islam has everything for our needs. Islam has answer for this life, everything.
Allah will either guide him/her through his heart and thus reveal to him which path to choose, since in reality, He is the Changer of hearts (in relation to the `spiritual Istikhara').
Istikhara can perform in any time, only 2 raka'at. It recommends to recite Al Kafirun after Al-Fatihah at the first rakaat and Al-Ikhlas after Al-Fatihah at the second rakaat. The recommend time is at the middle of night, because that time there is no hijab between Our Lord and us. At night you feel it's just you and Allah alone with no one around you,at the last third of the night Allah comes down to the sky of earth and waits for anyone who wants to ask Him something he needs, or a problem he has,or thank Him for the so many things he gave us.
Talk to your Allah ,He is there and ready to hear , He is the all mighty ,the Hearer,the One who you can relay on.
Talk to your Allah ,He is there and ready to hear , He is the all mighty ,the Hearer,the One who you can relay on.
Istikhara du'a :
'"O Allah, I ask You to show me what is best, through Your knowledge, and I ask You to empower me, through Your power, and I beg You to grant me Your tremendous favor, for You have power, while I am without power, and You have knowledge, while I am without knowledge, and You are the One who knows all things invisible.
Allahumma inni astakhiru-ka bi-'ilmi-ka wa astaqdiru-ka bi-qudrati-ka wa as'alu-ka min fadli-ka 'l-'azim fa-inna-ka taqdiru wa la aqdiru wa ta'lamu wa la a'lamu wa Anta 'Allamu 'l-ghuyub
O Allah, if You know that this undertaking is in the best interests of my religion, my life in this world, and my life in the Hereafter, and can yield successful results in both the short term and the long term, then make it possible for me and make it easy for me, and then bless me in it.
Allahumma in kunta ta'lamu anna hadha 'l-amra khairun li fi dini wa dunyaya wa akhirati wa 'aqibati amri wa 'ajili-hi wa ajili-h :fa-'qdir-hu li wa yassir-hu li thumma barik li fi-h
If not, then turn it away from me, and make it easy for me to do well, wherever I may happen to be, and make me content with Your verdict, O Most Merciful of the merciful.'"
wa illa fa-'srif-hu 'an-ni wa yassir liya 'l-khaira haithu kana ma kuntu wa raddi-ni bi-qada'i-ka ya Arhama 'r-rahimin
:Taken from many sources with some changes:
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