Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wives and Husbands : An advice

Wives: Your husband may be your best friend but he will never be your girl friend or sister or mother so stop expecting him to care for you that way and know all the right things to say all of the time. You're setting him up to fail and then punishing him when he does.

Husbands: Your wife may be your number one supporter, but that doesn't mean she isn't in need of support herself. Yes, she can do... everything in the speed of lightening but it isn't always as effortless as you perceive it to be. You expect so much from her sometimes that you force her to burn out--whether you know it or not (and chances are you don't).

Let's all stop the miscommunication madness and appreciate what we have before it's taken away from us, God forbid. ~ Hosai Mojaddidi

Friday, April 20, 2012

Tidak Berjudul

"Kalau hidup, sekadar hidup, babi di hutan juga hidup. Kalau bekerja sekadar bekerja, kera juga bekerja." (Alm. Buya Hamka)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Another Year Ahead for You, Bang

Allah gives you another one year ahead. Please, never take it as granted. Allah loves you. I love you for the sake of Allah. 

Semoga Allah memberi kemudahan di kehidupanmu kelak. Semoga tiap-tiap langkahmu selalu diridhoi Allah. Tiap langkah. Semoga sisa umurmu penuh berkah, Abangku sayang.

Aku disini, tak pernah lelah untuk selalu mendukung yang terbaik untukmu.

Mandiri, adalah kata yang selalu kau lontarkan kepadaku, ketika kaki ini menginjak tanah rantau pertama kali. Aku selalu mengingat nasehatmu, "Segala sesuatunya jangan mengharap bantuan dari orang lain, Bil. Usaha sendiri. Jangan cepet putus asa."

Satu hal yang aku akan selalu ingat darimu ketika bertanya tentang C Programming di semester awal, "Bil, udah baca buku belum? Cari dulu, coba dulu, Bang Ace gak akan ngajarin tau, kalau kamu gak nyoba dulu." 

Bang, semoga dapat jodoh yang sholehah yaa. Aku ingin yang terbaik untukmu Bang, gak cuma terbaik di dunia, tapi di akhirat. Ingat Bang, dunia cuma tempat persinggahan sementara. Semoga siapapun calon istrimu kelak, ia pasti menjadi wanita yang bahagia, karena hatimu Bang, belum pernah ternoda akan cinta-cintaan ala ABG yang lebay hehehe, semoga istiqomah ya. Semoga Allah menjaga hatimu untuk ia. Pun ia, semoga Allah menjaga hatinya untukmu. Di masa penantian dan pencarian, semoga Allah sll kuatkan hatimu.

Hmm, I wish too much for you. I guess, you never read this post. Well, if you read this one day,  you have to know, that your stubborn sister here, which still asking your help anytime. I owe you soo much, Bang. I really love you for the sake of Allah.

Wait, do you still remember this picture? Hmm, I was around 3 years old, so you might be 8 years old. Aww, yes. We were cute. :D

Time flies...
This year, you are 27 years old and I will be 22 years old.

With Love,

Your beloved sister. :)